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Bring on the cold weather! This acorn squash soup is full of savory flavors and wholesome ingredients. Intimidated by winter squash? Yeah I used to be, too. But after a few YouTube videos I realized how easy this nutty flavored squash is to make! This soup is simple, as all my recipes are, and the unique flavors will have your friends and family wanting more.

Acorn Squash Soup


2 acorn squash

1 medium-sized onion

2 apples

2 carrots

2 tbsp olive oil

1 lb chicken sausage

2 cups vegetable broth

1 can coconut milk

salt & pepper

Helpful Hints

start off by preheating the oven to 425 F

quarter the acorn squash and scoop out the seeds

quarter the medium-sized onions OR halve the small-sized onions, outer skin removed

core, peel, and halve the apples

quarter the carrots

on a baking sheet with parchment paper, place acorn squash, onions, apples, and carrots. drizzle the produce with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. bake for 25 minutes

as the produce is baking, cook the chicken sausage in a skillet with 1 tsp olive oil

in a large pot, heat the broth and coconut milk to a simmer

once the 25min is up, scoop acorn squash out of skin, and then place all produce in a blender. add the coconut milk + broth to the blender as well. blend on all ingredients are pureed.

return soup to the large pot, heat as needed, and serve immediately with chicken sausage on top. enjoy!


if you have a smaller blender, puree soup in two batches

fun additional garnishes: crispy kale, coconut cream, roasted nuts


acorn squash soup- Between the Pine

Acorn Squash Soup

Acorn Squash Soup- Between the Pine

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