Fireside Chat: March 2020
How Coronavirus is Affecting Between the Pine
All graphics created by Sophie at Mod Bird Design
“How is coronavirus affecting you and Between the Pine?” I have felt really loved and cared for when friends and family have asked this question. But, to be honest, I didn’t really know how to answer them. How am I being affected? How is my small business feeling the weight of this unknown economic time? Well, I decided I’d sit down and answer that question. And, I’m inviting you along to hear my answer.
I don’t know about you, but I had a little extra time (and hand sanitizer) on my hands in March. If you’re wondering what my team has been up to, why I read an entire book about obstacles, and what my favorite instagram post was this month, then read on! Actually, you probably didn’t care about any of the things I just mentioned, but since you’ve read this far, I may have you intrigued. So, let’s do this thing.
But, before you read the next section, grab your coffee (or wine), because this, my friend, is the March fireside chat.
March’s trail report: a month in review
At Between the Pine, we absolutely believe in celebrating victories and learning from our failures. So, we want to celebrate and learn with you; I’m sharing Between the Pine’s top wins and lowest moments from this month.
This month’s mountain summits:
First up, meet Between the Pine’s new resource page! We created an entire resource library to help couples, families and friends navigate the wedding world during coronavirus. As the terms “social distancing” and “self quarantine” started to become lay terms, I quickly realized the implications this would have on the wedding and elopement world. After a phone call with my copywriter, Cortlyn, and a little research on Google Trends, we started crafting free resources that could benefit anyone whose special day has been affected by coronavirus! You can find our entire resource library filled with coronavirus wedding resources below.
Speaking of the resources we’ve created, Between the Pine landed on page ONE (!!) on Google for a handful of SEO terms related to coronavirus. And, to be honest, it has been pretty surreal seeing our resources pop up right next to the New York Times, Vogue, and Brides (just to name a few).
Wait, Mollie, hold up! What the heck is SEO? Great question! SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. This is how Google decides what to show you based on a term you search. For example, open a new tab and search “postponed wedding” or “coronavirus honeymoon.” Did you see Between the Pine’s blog posts on page one?! This all has to do with SEO, and I’m giving you a virtual high-five for learning something new today!
Despite the craziness of coronavirus in the month of March, I am so stoked that Between the Pine still hit our revenue goal for the month. Over the past few years, I have learned so much about budgeting and forecasting. It truly has been a journey to get to a place of strategizing to hit the Between the Pine budget monthly, so I am hoping this momentum carries over to April.
Lastly, I turned 26-years-old! Drew and I celebrated (social distancing style) by starting the day with waffles and FaceTime calls, and ending the day with virtual game-night with our best friends. What a gift it is to have another lap around the sun under my belt!
This month’s valleys:
Though this valley is not business related, the biggest valley in March was Drew and I lost the furriest member of our family, Gracie girl. After eleven years side-by-side, our walking churro is chasing squirrels forever in doggy heaven. We are so grateful for all the adventures we had with her, but, in all honesty, home feels a bit lonely lately. Here are a few photos of her to make you smile.
As any small business, the impacts of coronavirus are being felt. We’re feeling the effects not only financially, but in the uncertainty of when to postpone elopements, how long this will last, and so-on. Last week, I let myself throw a pity party, but I threw that party hat away, walked upstairs, and picked up a business book that has been on my bookshelf for the past nine months (keep reading to find out what book it is). I’m learning that in this valley, the best things I can do is focus on the trail in front of me, serve my clients, create bomb resources and love the Between the Pine community well.
What I’m taking away from March:
Okay, so tell me, does any of this resonate with you? Are you a small business owner, too? Or, maybe you’re a bride trying to navigate these uncharted wedding waters? Heck, maybe you are neither of the two, but you are also in self quarantine trying to figure out how to work from home. No matter what category you may fall in, I see you, and we are in this together, friend. I’ve linked a few helpful resources for you below and also a few things that have made me smile this month.
My favorite instagram posts in March 2020
This month’s field notes: business tips and what I’m learning
My Top Book for March
Remember earlier when I mentioned I picked up a book from my office bookshelf? This book, my friends, could not be more perfect for a time like this. I found myself zooming through it in less than a week (which for a slow reader like me, is a big deal!) and filling the pages with highlighted sections. The Obstacle is the Way is an absolute must for this time. Did you know most Fortune 500 companies started during an economic recession? Yeah, I didn’t either before I read this book. My eyes have been opened to how times like these invite us to dig deep, find the grit within us and press forward.
Once you too read this book, tell me what you think! No really, I actually want to know. Email me at and let’s be friends and book nerds together.
My Top Podcast for March
If you’ve been around Between the Pine for some time, it’s no secret I am a big fan of Jenna Kutcher. You know, the gal who took a $300 camera and created a multi-million dollar business? The woman who hosts my favorite podcast and once re-posted my instagram story (I’m not fan-girling, you are!). Okay well, this past month she released a podcast episode that I found myself going back to, pen and paper in hand, to take notes on. You can find the specific episode by clicking here. If you don’t have time to listen to the entire podcast, skip ahead to the twenty-minute mark for all the business knowledge goodness. I promise, you don’t want to miss this.
Spotted from the fire lookout: new content on Between the Pine
This past month over at Between the Pine, we have not only created coronavirus resources like I mentioned earlier, but also an entire free guide on how to work from home, a blog post to help small businesses during coronavirus and we even updated one of our favorite blogs on the site. All of these and more I’ve linked below:
Keep an eye out for more resources for small businesses and a list of the best places to elope in Oregon all coming next month. Don’t want to miss a thing? Subscribe to our email list below!
And not to worry, no spam is coming your way. It will just be a party in your inbox, I promise!
My favorite March 2020 moments
My favorite iPhone photos from March. From mountain biking, flying over Rainier on the way to New Mexico, FaceTiming family, selfies with rad couples, to soaking up all the snuggles with Gracie Girl, it was truly a month to remember.
What I’m listening to in March 2020
My favorite pinterest pins for March 2020

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