I met Nora, who is also a photographer, on instagram. We quickly bonded over our love for the outdoors. As I got to know her more, I discovered she and Nick lived in a tiny house that they built themselves. Yes, you read that right. They built their house!!! Next Chip and Jojo? I think yes.
Nick and Nora had just completed constructing their very own teardrop trailer, so of course we had to take photos of it in it’s natural habitat. The best part?! You can rent their trailer here!
After hopping on the ferry from Seattle, Nora picked me up and we headed towards the cutest campsite after picking up the necessities. Hot dogs, s’mores, and champagne that is. Nick joined us shortly after with the trailer. We set up “camp” and danced by the fire, roasted mallows, and laughed until the sun dipped below the horizon.
Social media often gets dogged on in a negative light. But recently I have been viewing it as an opportunity to connect with others and make rad new friends, like Nick and Nora.
Per usual, it was simple to leave no trace. It just takes a few extra moments of ensuring everything we brought found it’s way back into the car or camper.
how we left no trace

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