Fireside Chat: April 2020

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Fireside Chat: April 2020




Coronavirus Fireside Chat March 2020 | Between the Pine Adventure Wedding and Elopement Photographer

Fireside Chat: April 2020

All graphics created by Sophie at Mod Bird Design

April 2020 Fireside Chat | Between the Pine

I am currently sitting on my couch in my favorite pair of overalls, listening to my new favorite band on Spotify, and I have a big glass of kombucha next to me. If this doesn’t scream “Mollie Adams” then I don’t know what does. I am so glad you are here! Gosh, is it just me or did April fly by? Maybe it’s because every day felt a little bit like I was living the same day over and over again (lol). But, nonetheless, another month has come and gone, and I am so stoked to reflect on it with you. So if you’re ready for my latest recipe, the business book that has changed the game for me and why I am so excited about the Huffington Post, then you’re in the right place! Let’s do this thing.


But, before you read the next section, grab your coffee (or wine), because this, my friend, is the March fireside chat.


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April’s trail report: a month in review

At Between the Pine, we absolutely believe in celebrating victories and learning from our failures. So, we want to celebrate and learn with you; I’m sharing Between the Pine’s top wins and lowest moments from this month. 

This month’s mountain summits:

The SEO Mentorship! 

Education for small business owners is something I am very passionate about and it finally came to life on a larger scale this month! My team and I worked our booties off and launched the Between the Pine SEO Mentorship and it sold out in six hours. WOAH. Because of this, a lot of my time this April has been spent over Zoom teaching other small business owners the ins and outs of SEO and how to use this strategy to help grow their businesses. I am absolutely loving these sessions, and some of my mentees are already seeing their web pages climb to page one on Google! If the SEO Mentorship program has peaked your interest, snag your spot on our waitlist for the next round of this course (Hint: it will be in May!).

We made it on the Huffington Post! 

Can you believe it?! When I saw the Huffington Post mention our coronavirus wedding resources on their page, I almost peed my pants as I called Cortlyn, our copywriter, to celebrate with her. You can find the Huff Post article here!

The Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

IT’S FINALLY HERE. Okay sorry for the all-caps, but if you’ve been a friend of Between the Pine for some time, you know that this brand all started as a food blog. Crazy, right? And, you may also know that I am known for my love of chocolate chip cookies. I often show up to my clients’ elopements with chocolate chip cookies in-hand. I’ve been perfecting this recipe for over three years, and guess what! It’s finally here. We did it people. THE RECIPE IS HERE. And, trust me, you don’t want to miss this. Go ahead and add “making the best chocolate chip cookies” to your weekend agenda. You’ll thank me later.


April 2020 Fireside Chat | Between the Pine


Our Coronavirus Wedding Resources

We are still making lemonade out of lemons with this situation. It has been so humbling to see how many couples have found our coronavirus wedding resources useful. Our team has received dozens of emails and direct messages on Instagram of couples, friends of couples, and other vendors in the industry thanking our team for the helpful and useful resources during this unprecedented time. You can find the coronavirus wedding resource library here.

This month’s valleys:

Postponements, postponements, postponements

I am grateful to have the best clients out there, but walking through the decisions of having to postpone their best day ever has not been easy. My heart goes out to all the couples who are having to make tough decisions, and, suddenly, their dream weddings and elopements are being shifted and challenged. If this is you, know that my heart goes out to you!

What I’m taking away from April:

The biggest thing I am taking away from this month is: human interaction is something to never take for granted and eating chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, lunch and dinner is socially acceptable (even if it may be distanced hehe). Okay, I’m kidding, but honestly what a weird month this has been! There have been some amazing mountaintops for our team, and we’re so thankful. But, sometimes the valley moments are still really hard. And that is okay. You can experience sadness in the valleys, even when you see the next mountaintop approaching. Emotions are hard, but they’re real and valid. I’m taking away a better balance this month of allowing myself to feel every emotion in full.


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My favorite instagram posts in April 2020


Fireside Chat Coronavirus March 2020 | Between the Pine Adventure Wedding and Elopement Photographer


This month’s field notes: business tips and what I’m learning

My Top Book for April

I normally only choose one book per month, but so much of my freetime this month has been filled with reading. So, choosing one book was just too difficult! Instead, I have two books that I couldn’t put down this month to recommend to you. 

Building a Storybrand: I used an entire highlighter while reading this book. No, really. I am actually re-reading it in May because it was filled with so many golden nuggets of information that reading it through once just isn’t enough for me! 

Launch: If you are a small business owner, put this book at the top of your reading list for the month of May. I read this book in literally less than 24 hours, and I am a slow reader. So, if you only get one thing out of this entire Fireside Chat, I hope it is the importance of reading this book (along with the homemade chocolate chip cookie recipe, of course). 

Once you read these books too, tell me what you think! No really, I actually want to know. Email me at and let’s be friends and book nerds together.

My Top Podcast for March

If you’ve been around Between the Pine for some time, it’s no secret I am a big fan of Jenna Kutcher. You know, the gal who took a $300 camera and created a multi-million-dollar business? The woman who hosts my favorite podcast and once re-posted my instagram story (I’m not fan-girling, you are!). Okay well, this past month she released a podcast episode on Pinterests new updates that I found myself going back to, pen and paper in hand, to take notes on. You can find the specific episode by clicking here.


Fireside Chat Coronavirus March 2020 | Between the Pine Adventure Wedding and Elopement Photographer


Spotted from the fire lookout: new content on Between the Pine


Fireside Chat Coronavirus March 2020 | Between the Pine Adventure Wedding and Elopement Photographer


This past month over at Between the Pine, we have not only created coronavirus resources like I mentioned earlier, but also an entire free guide on how to work from home, a blog post to help small businesses during coronavirus and we even updated one of our favorite blogs on the site. All of these and more I’ve linked below:

Keep an eye out for resources for how to have a national park wedding and an engagement session at one of the most iconic beaches in Washington next month. Don’t want to miss a thing? Subscribe to our email list below!

And not to worry, no spam is coming your way. It will just be a party in your inbox, I promise!


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My favorite April 2020 moments

My favorite iPhone photos from April 🙂


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What I’m listening to in April 2020


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My favorite pinterest pins for April 2020

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