Three Things I Learned During My First Year as an Elopement and Adventure Wedding Photographer



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Three Things I Learned During My First Year as an Elopement and Adventure Wedding Photographer


Three Things I Learned During My First Year as an Elopement and Adventure Wedding Photographer

It feels really surreal to be able to write a post like this, but I am really honored to get to share the top three things I learned during my first year as an elopement and adventure wedding photographer with you! If you’re new to Between the Pine, I encourage you to read through the story of how Between the Pine began so you have some background on who I am. I’ll give you a brief synopsis: I started this brand as a food blog and am now hiking to the most stunning locations to capture the love stories of epic couples! So, trust me, the story of this company is a good read! 

I wrapped up my first full year of being an elopement and adventure wedding photographer in the fall of 2019. Woof, I still can’t believe it! My first full year as an elopement photographer was filled with so many valley and mountain top moments (figuratively and literally, lol!). With each new decision I faced as a business owner, I processed fear, doubt, courage and probably seventeen other emotions. But, I can absolutely say for certain that there were so many incredible, valuable things I learned as I began this journey of being an adventure wedding photographer. So, I’m sharing just three of those lessons below. My hope is that these lessons ignite hope and a feeling that you’re not alone in your endeavors either as an entrepreneur, elopement photographer, or even just a b.a. woman! 

I found the heart of my brand as an elopement and adventure wedding photographer.

Let me tell you, owning your own business is not for the faint of heart! There are days (still) that owning, operating and managing Between the Pine is just really hard. Just this past week, I was crying to Drew because I was feeling discouraged by the fear that I wasn’t going to hit the goals I set for 2020. Through every moment of building and growing, it has been so helpful for me to be able to return to the “why” behind this adventure photography company. I return to my mission statement behind Between the Pine, and the choice to believe it again and again is able to serve as a reset moment for me. I have found a lot of courage in moments when I get to intentionally choose to believe in what Between the Pine stands for.

A one-man-band elopement photography business was not for me.

Throughout the course of my first year as an elopement photographer, I quickly recognized my strengths and weaknesses. And, that is okay! Weaknesses do not equal failure! So, in my weaker areas, I worked really hard to be able to build a team of people who are really gifted in those areas! I learned that it’s okay that I’m not an elopement photographer who also loves writing and graphic design. Now, I can honestly say that Between the Pine is stronger and healthier because I’ve chosen to outsource. Here are some things I had outsourced during my first year as an adventure wedding and elopement photographer: 

  • Social media

  • Website design

  • Branding

  • Copywriting 

There is power in goal setting as an elopement photographer.

I am constantly writing goals and dreams down in my notebook! I really believe that brainstorming, dreaming and speaking my dreams into existence is powerful. I have micro-level and macro-level goals with action steps outlined under each goal with measurable outcomes! Plus, it’s always fun to look back on the goals you set in the past and how far you’ve come! 

There you have it: the top three things I learned during my first year as an adventure wedding photographer! I hope you feel encouraged and championed to reach and achieve your dreams as a business owner, elopement photographer and entrepreneur. 

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  1. Emily says:

    This is charge worthy education! This is better info than I have gotten through payed classes. Thank you so much. I’m going to get to work on this and make my brand stronger

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